Optimum Certo

Optimum Certo

After 24 months of starting program (optional)
Optimum Level: All changes made, business considered a leader in sustainable business management.
– The Corporate Sustainability Plan is now ingrained in the value chain.
– All stakeholders are fully engaged in sustainable business practice.
– Suppliers are performing as sustainable businesses.
– Customers are now also becoming sustainable businesses.
– Most products sold are now aligned with Circular Economy principles.
– The business has achieved over 75% of program requirements, the business is now driven by sustainability.
– Best practice energy, water and waste inputs and outputs in operation.
– UN SDGs, GRI and UN SDGs reports are regularly produced.
– Best practice models established by the business, it is a sustainable business leader.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the Certo Online Sustainable Program?
    Our main service is the Certo Online Program, this is designed to take businesses along a sustainable pathway so they can best manage changes within their business. Once registered, a unique Certo reference number is supplied for each business and these are used for confidential reporting purposes. Your business is supplied with a work program (guides and templates) and is responsible for competing all information (guided by us). An initial online presentation and training session is completed, with follow up sessions if needed. Our online Tracker form is completed at the start of the program, then again after 3 months (to achieve Starter progress – the minimum status expected to be achieved) and again after 9 months (to achieve Operating status).

    Every year the form must be completed in order to record progress made by companies. Energy, water and waste is recorded along with benchmarking data: business type, floor area, employee numbers. This allows companies to be compared, using their sustainability profile with the profiles of like businesses (confidential reports are supplied by Certo as part of the monthly fee, no company names are supplied in these reports).

    Your business must achieve the Starter and Operating levels as these form the foundation of a sustainable business. Advanced is the preferred base level of achievement for your business to be regarded as a significant sustainable business performer. The Optimum level is optional.
  • What do we need to do to achieve Certo Optimum status?
    The Optimum Level denotes that all changes have been made, your business is considered a leader in sustainable business management. The Corporate Sustainability Plan is now ingrained in the value chain. All stakeholders are fully engaged in sustainable business practice. Suppliers are performing as sustainable businesses. Customers are now also becoming sustainable businesses. The business has achieved over 75% of program requirements, the business is now driven by sustainability. Best practice energy, water and waste inputs and outputs in operation. UN SDGs, GRI and UN SDGs reports are regularly produced. Best practice models established by the business, it is a sustainable business leader.
  • What happens if we leave the Certo Online program?
    We hope you decide to stay on the program as you are able to report each year and receive confidential comparisons of your annual sustainability performance against like companies. However, if you do decide to leave then we simply need one month’s notice. The initial starter fee and all monthly program fees are non-refundable. You will no longer receive annual comparison reports and no longer be able to use the Certo logos and any publications (online, pdfs and printed documents) featuring our logos should be edited to exclude our logos within 3 months of you leaving the program.
  • Who has created Sustainable Businesses and the Certo services?
    My name is Ken Graham, I am the business owner and the principal consultant. Sustainable Businesses and Certo services are run under the company: Sway Marketing Management Ltd NZCN 1212722.

    I am a qualified energy efficiency engineer, management consultant and sustainability advisor, with over 25 years senior management experience in industries directly related to sustainable business management. I have worked and studied in three countries so I have a good feel for sustainable business issues across varying cultures and operating environments (the Certo program and the sustainable businesses resources have all been developed based on this).

    My credentials are as follows:

    Electricity Supply Industry UK, Energy Sales Engineer of Year – Runner Up
    Schlumberger Energy Horizons UK, Energy and Commerce Category – Runner Up
    AW Goodier Energy Efficiency Initiative NZ – Winner

    Licences and Certificates
    ISO 14001: EMS Certified (Emirates Foundation)
    Life Cycle Assessor (one-click LCA)
    Sustainability Practitioner (Centre for Sustainability Excellence)
    Corporate Directorship (NZ Institute of Directors)

    Technical Paper Authorship
    Comparing life-cycle carbon footprints of interior flooring options and proposing improved building lifespan
    assessment processes for specifiers. (Presented at the Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies
    Conference, Lyon, June 2024).

    Govt Delegation
    NZ Govt Energy Efficiency and Conservation Agency Delegate (Centre for Analysis and Dissemination Energy

    Tertiary Education
    Master of Science - Sustainability in Practice, University of Plymouth, UK.
    Master of Marketing Degree - Melbourne Business School, Melbourne University, Australia.
    Master of Business Administration Degree - Business School, Massey University, NZ.
    Diploma Energy Technology - North Trafford College, Manchester, UK.
    HNC Electrical Engineering - Blackpool Technology College, UK.
    ONC Electrical Engineering - Preston College, UK.
    Certificate Corporate Sustainability - Stern School New York University, USA.
    Certificate Global Environmental Management - Technical University of Denmark.
    Certificate Circular Economy (Sustainable Materials Management) - Lund University, Sweden.
    Certificate Ecosystem Services Design - University of Geneva.

    Stern Certificate
    CSR Status

    As an experienced manager, researcher, analyst and presenter, I can provide comprehensive sustainable management services. I can combine business analysis, strategy planning, operations, marketing and communications with the technical aspects of manufacturing, product design and distribution.

    My relevant work experiences are as follows:
    United Kingdom - energy consultant, sustainability manager.
    Australia - energy and water efficiency advisor.
    New Zealand - energy efficiency advisor, senior official and NZ delegate in central government energy agency, water efficiency advisor, waste management and recycling advisory services, material sourcing and packaging design services, freight distribution analysis, sustainability management and training.
    France - creation of new sustainable businesses online consultancy venture, including an online best practice program.
  • What are your sustainable practice service fees?
    The cost of achieving sustainable practice depends on the size and complexity of your business, in particular how many products and services you provide:

    Contracting charges vary between e60 euro/hr and e100 euro/hr (excluding taxes and travel/accommodation costs).

    Workshop fees are e600 (half-day), e1000 (full-day), e1800 (2 days) and e2400 (3 days) (excluding taxes and travel/accommodation costs).
    Online workshops are 80% of the above fees (a 20% discount).

    The Certo Online Program set up fee is e1,800 euro (excluding taxes) and the ongoing monthly fee is e60 euros/month (excluding taxes).
    This fee structure is for a single site business. If multiple sites are included the fee reduces by 10% per site to a maximum discount of 40% across all sites. Example: A company with 5+ sites would receive a 40% discount and would be charged a e1080 set up fee (excluding taxes) per site and each site would pay an ongoing monthly fee of e36 euros/month.

    Sustainability is not about loading extra costs into your business, it is about using the same budgets more efficiently and sustainably. This leads to lower operating costs, lower risks, lower stock redundancies and increased future-proofed revenues.

    However, you may (and most likely) incur other business costs in achieving your sustainability goals, such as: changes to technology used - relating to energy and water use, like transport, lighting, heating and motors, and changes to materials used and products purchased. These additional costs can be determined during the advisory process using third party suppliers.

All Sustainable Businesses and Certo materials © Copyright Sway Marketing Management (NZ).
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